

Icelandic Days: we went down to Spanish Fork today for Icelandic Days. My husband's family has Icelandic heritage and it is a great tradition to go down and be a part of. We missed the morning shift, but we were able to go down and be there with his family for a bit. I'm grateful to know my kids will grow up with an appreciation for where they come from.

Memorials: we also went by my husband's grandparent's graves. We got some flowers and spent a little time walking through the cemetery. (Morbid note... I love cemeteries! I could wander around them for hours!) There is such a beautiful peace you can feel when you are there. I know there is heartache to some who visit, but on a whole I feel that those who are resting there have found peace in the afterlife and as Brigham Young said, Our ancestors are more interested in our lives than we are (paraphrased). Whenever I go and visit I'm reminded of that phrase and I'm comforted to know that there are many on the other side who love me and who are rooting for me. It also reminds me that I'm not alone.

Heart to hearts: tonight I had a great talk with my main man. Sometimes it's nice to be able to sit and get on the same page again.

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