

Laps: today when I had Little E and Bug, Little E was having a hard moment. So in order to comfort her he decided to sit on her lap. (This is what he does to us when he wants to give loves.) It was hilarious! I saved her just in the nick of time! Considering how much bigger my kid is than Little E, it could have turned out very badly!

Pull ups: Little E on the other hand is learning how to pull herself up by grabbing things... Bug got grabbed and they both went tumbling down... also a hilarious moment!

Laying down: I had a moment this afternoon that reminded me of the grim days after I got home from my mission. I was light headed and blacked out. How grateful I am for a husband who lets me lay down and takes over when I don't feel well. After a few minutes I felt better and was back at the races. Thanks babe for being my white knight!

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