

Camp songs: I've been researching camp songs. Mainly because I want to get in the mood for camp. I'm hoping that going around singing all these songs will make me the cool goof-ball and not the crazy lady all the girls run from.

Green grass: the year I had cancer, we kinda let our yard go to pot. Seriously. It became our jungle. In the following years we've attempted halfheartedly to get the yard in order. One year we burned the grass and had cow spots... no joke... However this year we actually have a pretty yard! The grass is green, the weeds are pulled (front yard only, but at least it's a start), and we actually have a little garden! I know! It's shocking!

Goggy gog: it's how the kid is saying doggy dog.

1 comment:

Missy said...

Camp songs are quite seriously my FAVORITE part of camp and I know I'm crazy when I say this but I'm kinda jealous that you get to go :)
Love youQ