

Living close: this morning my brother-in-law called and asked if I could come over and help get kids off to school. My sister has been having problems with her mobile abilities and so was off to the hospital (after a quick blessing from her husband and my father). I was able, with the added strength of dad to help get the kids off to various schools, and after wards being able to be around when they got home. What a blessing to live one street away.

Prayer: I think that it is the most underestimated force on earth. The power of prayer is the ultimate factor in life. It is what provides the strength when you don't feel like you have any. I'm grateful to know that a loving Heavenly Father listens to me and answers my prayers.

Bed: tonight after a long prayer, I'm grateful for my own bed, knowing that my sister is in a hospital bed. Knowing that she would give anything to wake up in the morning and find that today was a dream. The tumor would be gone, and she would be in her own bed. Oh how grateful I am for mine.

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