

Shock: I was shocked today when I looked up my blogs and realized that this one hadn't been updated in a month! A MONTH! So now I am going to spend some time over the next few days updating all of October and into November... sorry I've been such a slacker! I've been sick with this pregnancy and can attest to the fact that when you feel sick, you don't want to do ANYTHING!

Cookbooks: I've found that even though the internet is the world at my fingertips, I still love a good cookbook. I love to actually flip the pages, imagine how long it would really take me to make whatever it is that has caught my eye, and then drool over the pictures... I don't buy the ones without pictures... learned my lesson on that one. :)

Reading to my kid: I love that every morning like clockwork the first toy my kid reaches for is a book, he will bring them to me and we will sit and read together. I hope he continues to love books.

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