

Snow: Although I will gladly admit to the fact that snow brings problems, I love looking out my window and seeing snow. Whether it's in the process of falling, or just after a storm, somehow it reminds me that there is always a new beginning and we can start fresh.

Music: I've always loved music and have chosen to surround myself with it. It's so fun now to watch as my son is starting to bop around when music he recognizes comes on. I hope that he continues to love it as much as I do.

Family: They save my kiester daily.

1 comment:

chris m. said...

1. Friday: We get to leave work today at 3! Love working, but also love the weekend.
2. Curly Hair: Though most people say they like my hair straight, I don't mind it curly. Plus it is awesome when you are in a hurry.
3. My Yellow Ruffle Shoes: Sounds silly, but these shoes make me feel stylish, and they are overall comfy.

HUGS! Hope you have a good weekend. See you Sunday at Ty's thing.