

More: tonight we went out to dinner and we broke up a roll to give to Bug. When he was all out of food he turned to my husband and said more! Since he hasn't said it again, we're not sure if it was a fluke or not, but it sure was cute!

Johnny on the spot: so, somethings happened today that aren't so much fun, however, I'm so blessed to have a husband that when I call and say that I need him, he is home 15 minutes later. (That's the time for him to get home.) He is the greatest blessing in my life and he constantly shows me his love by always being there when I need him.

Compassion: I hope that at the end of the day people will say that I'm a compassionate person. It is something that I strive for. I hope that I can be the kind of person that other people want to be around. I also hope that with the things that transpired today that I showed compassion to those who needed it.

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