

I'm not pregnant: every time my "female" experience starts I just have to be thankful that I'm not pregnant. Honestly, that's the only thing good about it that I can think of... oh... and the overwhelming cravings for chocolate.

Tippy toes: my kid has been chicken to actually start walking. He wants to, but then he crashes so he decides that crawling is better. Tonight he made several attempts to actually walk. His toes keep getting in the way, but I'm sure that this is the beginning of the end. (He's taken his first steps, but he just is a crashing machine.)

Best friends: so I ran out of chocolate on Sunday. (Not good at all for this woman!) However I couldn't leave the house today with two babies... so my bestest friend went to Costco and picked up my favorite chocolate snacks for me. Now that's true friendship. (Especially since I'm not pregnant!)

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