

Mom: today is my mom's birthday. I think she'd kill me if I told you her age, so I won't! Instead I think I will say that I'm grateful for a woman who loves me. Now that I am a mom, I get it a little more. I appreciate the fact that she didn't want to change my diaper, but she did it anyway because the smell was too much to put up with! She woke up with me when I was sick even though her bed was warm and comfortable. She taught me to crawl even though she knew it would make her play ref with all her worldly possessions. In most everything she did, she put her kids needs before her own, and I admire that more now as I see the sacrifice she made because of her love for us. She was and still is my biggest fan and greatest supporter. Thanks for choosing me mom, you're the best.

Internet: my husband got to talk to his parents over the internet today. He had the webcam set up and they were able to see our son as they sat on their couch in Iceland. I love technology!

Autism: I know that it is weird that I'm putting autism on a good things blog, but I have been able to interact with some amazing kids who have autism. They humble me! I'm so grateful for what I learn because they are in my life. Even with the cards stacked against them, with the help of their parents, they defy the odds.

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